Superintendent Timothy M. Van Tasel, Ed.D.
Superintendent’s Theory of Action
This leadership theory of action reflects my beliefs and assumptions regarding the potential of our school district and the enormous opportunity we have to positively influence the lives of the students we have been entrusted to educate and care for. It is important to note that my theory of action will evolve as the needs of our students, schools, and community change. Our mission, vision, goals, policies, and the culture of our district are all influences that will alter this theory of action over time.
(Please click on the link below to read the Theory of Action in its entirety.)
Welcome to the East Hampton Public Schools. We hope that you find our website to be an additional and important nexus between school and home. To further our communications with parents and the community, ParentSquare and regularly scheduled school and district newsletters will also provide timely information about district happenings. We will be continuously providing information through these forums, so please be sure to access them in order to remain current with East Hampton Public Schools information and important events.
The East Hampton Board of Education, faculty and staff, parents, and our surrounding community all recognize the importance of education and have therefore prioritized the needs of our school district. Each of our schools are very unique, with programs and services designed to meet the developmental and diverse needs of the students we serve. We hire the most talented faculty and staff, invest in research-based programs and services, and are always seeking new and innovative ways to fulfill our mission and goals.
This district’s long history of success is the result of the collaborative efforts of an entire community. The East Hampton Public Schools are driven by a mission and set of core beliefs through advancement planning, programming, policy, and theories of action that are deeply rooted in our commitment to the academic, social, emotional, and physical well-being of our students. The vision of the East Hampton Public Schools is to open doors to inspire every student to dream, discover, and achieve. In pursuit of this vision, our mission provides that:
We partner with our families and community to prepare confident, compassionate, and collaborative learners who navigate a complex, global society;
We are committed to safe, nurturing environments in which students thrive and explore their personal passions;
We empower our educators and learners as innovators results in a dynamic pursuit of continuous improvement.
The collective efforts surrounding our vision, mission, and goals have been the true catalyst to our forward-progress as an institution of public education. The Board of Education, school administration, faculty and staff, students, parents, town and elected officials, and our entire community have come together through the years to ensure that the educational system in East Hampton remains strong and a source of a pride. Our commitment to education can be found throughout our four schools and the collaborative partnerships that further support and guide us into the future.
Once again, I welcome you to the East Hampton Public Schools. The commitment our district has made and continues to make is evident in the many programs and services we offer our students and families. As we continue to build on our successes, we are always listening to the needs of those we are here to serve. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the district with any questions or suggestions you have. We look forward to working in partnership with you.
Superintendent of Schools