From magnet schools to technical school choices mentioned below, detailed information can be found in the RSCO Family Guide.
Connecticut School Choice Education Options
Interdistrict magnet schools and Open Choice (Greater Hartford region):
Technical education and career schools:
CTECS offers a comprehensive high school and Career Technical Education in 31 occupational careers. The occupational careers are within 12 career clusters.
Comprehensive information can be found via these links:
Regional agricultural science and technology education centers:
From the ASTE Webpage: "The ASTE programs prepare students for college and careers in animal science, agribusiness, agricultural mechanics, aquaculture, biotechnology, food science, marine technology, natural resources, and plant science, (not all ASTE centers offer all the before mentioned programs). The ASTE programs incorporate a hands-on, active curriculum that integrates subject area skills and knowledge, applied skills in the core subjects of mathematics, science and English/Language Arts while incorporating leadership skills and work-based learning experiences through the National FFA Organization and supervised agriculture experiences."