Rodney Mosier
Director of Special Education
District 504 Coordinator
1 Community Drive
East Hampton, CT 06424

The East Hampton Public Schools’ Office of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services supports the district’s mission to prepare and inspire our students to be innovative, responsible, contributing members of an ever-changing global society. Our goal is to ensure that all students with disabilities have access to and benefit from the general education curriculum as it aligns to the Common Core Standards, to prepare them to be productive citizens, who are college and career ready and to be able to respond appropriately to life’s challenges.
In accordance with board policy and consistent with state and federal statutes, the Office of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Programs is responsible for the administration and supervision of programs for exceptional children and supportive services for all students in the East Hampton Public Schools. The Office of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services is the primary referral source of all suspected and eligible special education students between the ages of three through twenty-two, under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA 2004). Students age three through twenty-two are screened/evaluated to determine eligibility under IDEA. If a student qualifies for services individual programs are developed by a Planning and Placement Team of which parents are essential team members.
The office also services all those students eligible under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Child Find Statement
The East Hampton Public Schools actively seek to locate, identify and refer children from birth to age 22 who require special education and related services in order to assist them and their families. Early childhood screenings are provided monthly during the school year. If you are concerned about a child’s development, you are encouraged to contact your School and request information about a screening. Alternatively, if the child is younger than three years of age, you may choose instead to contact the Connecticut Birth to Three System at 1-800-505-7000.
at East Hampton Public Schools
(please click on the link above for more information about our alternative High School)
ECDC is proud to work in partnership with East Hampton Public Schools to better the lives of all individuals. The Transition Academy provides individualized transitional services for 14 – 21 year old's and is an engaging environment for all types of learning. Training opportunities include vocational development, personal safety, internet safety, public transportation, finances and benefits, ongoing education, as well as life skills, social skills and volunteerism