Center School CAS Arts Award winners

This week the Board of Education recognized Art students from Memorial,  Center and the Middle School.  CAS Arts Awards went to Memorial School Students (not pictured) Reid Wilk and Madison Catalano and Center School students William Finn and Daniel Sullivan.  Middle School Artists of the month were Robert Fowler (not pictured) and Sophia Aresco.  Also receiving Arts accolades from the CT Regional Scholastic Arts Contest were Maya Dobson, Amber Murphy and Charlotte Minnick (not pictured).  Congratulations to all, and thank you for sharing your artistic talents with the world.   




Sophia Aresco, EHMS Artist of the Month pictured with EHMS Principal Mr. Lehmann,
Art Teacher Mr. Pastor and BOE Chairperson Mr. Goff

Maya Dobson and Amber Murphy

Maya Dobson, and Amber Murphy pictured with EHMS Principal Mr. Lehmann, 
Art Teacher Mr. Pastor and BOE Chairperson Mr. Goff