Nurse & EHPS Nursing Supervisor
Support Staff
Forms, Guidelines and Requirements
District Health Forms & Information
Permission to administer over-the-counter medications
For Sports Physical Examination forms please go to the Athletics FamilyID page

Welcome to the High School Nurse's page!
A little about me...
I graduated from Loma Linda University, in Loma Linda CA, with my Bachelor’s in Nursing. I have worked in a County Hospital in CA on a Pediatric/PICU floor, worked at the Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth TX both on a medical floor and in the Endocrinology clinic, in a Family Practice clinic in East Hampton, CT and a Pediatric practice in Glastonbury before taking the position as School Nurse for East Hampton in 2007.
The forms you might need for your high school student are located under the District Health Forms tab to the left. As well, if you wish, you can sign the “permission to administer over the counter medications” for your student so they can take acetaminophen, ibuprofen or antacids during the school day. They do need to be renewed each school year.
If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me. I can be reached by calling the school office or by email. See above