Christina Amaral, Principal

Emily Asklar, Assistant Principal
Welcome to East Hampton Middle School!
At EHMS we operate on a student first approach. We believe that every student will be inspired to independently initiate inquiry and innovation by developing and improving academic habits in order to ensure student achievement and enhance skills identified in the Profile of the Graduate. Our curriculum and instruction continue to advance and our staff collaborate to develop learning opportunities to meet the needs of all our learners. Our core content areas; English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies continue to evolve with a progression of learning targets to ensure mastery of educational standards for students. Our World Language and Specials classes allow students to foster creativity and critical thought and provide opportunities to imagine and connect to the real world.
Here at EHMS, we encourage all students to take part in our community. Whether students participate in athletics, Panther Chefs, Robotics Club, MATHCOUNTS, Drama Club, Early Act, Jazz Band or the many other opportunities we are expanding upon, we take pride in the opportunities we have for our students both before and after school.
We organize and operate by Teams which allows us to collaborate on the progress of each learner. Each team will include all students within that specific grade level. There are two teachers per subject area (2 ELA, 2 Math, 2 Social Studies, 2 Science). Each team will have one Team Leader to facilitate as point person for families as outlined below:
Grade 6 Team
Team Leader - Ms. McCabe
Grade 7 Team
Team Leader - Mrs. Parsons
Grade 8 Team
Team Leader - Mr. Storrs
We communicate as a school through ParentSquare, our school website, and our weekly newsletter, the Panther Post. Our Panther Post newsletters serve as a weekly guide and snapshot of everything happening at EHMS. Additionally, you will receive monthly Team newsletters communicating team-based initiatives, curriculum, and student highlights. We hope this website also serves as a resource for you in finding essential information.
We look forward to what each school year brings and the growing opportunities we are able to provide our students. The collaborative partnership we have with our families is a vital part to each student’s success.
Best Regards,
Christina Amaral & Emily Asklar
Christina Amaral
East Hampton Middle School
Office: 860-365-4060