East Hampton High School’s Beginner Bellringer Preschool is supervised by Family and Consumer Science teacher, Kasey Tortora, and operated by East Hampton High School students. Parents can access the preschool application by clicking this Application Link, or by contacting Kasey Tortora at 860-365-4030 ext. 1300, or via email ktortora@easthamptonct.org.
\r\nApplications will be accepted now until program reaches capacity. Enrollment is limited and on a first-come, first-served basis. The cost is $200 per student. All children must be toilet-trained. Classes will run from January 2022 through May 2022. Sessions are scheduled for Mondays: 12-2 and Thursdays & Fridays: 11:30-2, and are open to 3 to 5 year olds. Class will be held in Room 300 at East Hampton High School located at 15 N Maple Street, East Hampton, Ct.