
Dear Parent/Guardian,
The East Hampton Lions Club has offered to do vision screenings for the Center School again this year.  They will be screening grades 4 and 5.
Volunteers from the Lions Club will use the latest vision technology, the WelchAllyn Spot.  The WelchAllyn Spot looks almost like a camera; it focuses in on the eyes and in seconds will give a result.  The WelchAllyn Spot will screen for common vision issues including nearsightedness, farsightedness, blurred vision, unequal refractive power, lazy eye, and eye misalignment.  We are very lucky to have the Lions Club screen our students with this state-of-the-art equipment; it’s exciting!
Confidentiality will be maintained with Lions Club volunteers.  They will not keep any student data and will not learn student names.  Each child will be given a unique number and after the health office is given the results, the number will be cross-referenced with a list kept by the school nurse.  Print-out results will be given to the school nurse.  Parents will receive a copy if results are outside normal limits or by parent request.
If you would like to OPT OUT of this screening with the WelchAllyn Spot, please call or email me. The Lions Club is planning to be doing the vision screenings in October 18th. 
Please do not hesitate to call or email with any questions.
Jordan Morehouse RN, BSN
Center School Nurse
East Hampton Center School