Start With Hello Week Feb 5-9

In every school and in every community, there are young people who suffer silently because they feel left out or alone. Next week, the Center School learning community will be taking part in Start With Hello Week. Throughout the week, students and staff will engage in activities that promote the skills needed to reach out and include all students. Our goal is to focus on how everyone can take part in creating a culture of inclusion and connectedness within their classroom, school, and community.


Please take a minute to preview some of the activities that will take place each day and view the videos classes will play each morning. We hope that through a few small adjustments each day, we will have a big impact on our school community. \r\n


Start with Hello Week: February 5-9\r\n


 Monday  = Students will get Hello my name is labels to wear and greet at least 5 people they don’t usually talk to


Video: Just say hi and it’s ripple effects in the hallway (:30)   \r\n



 Tuesday  = Wear green today for Kindness awareness  


Video:  sharing with others who didn’t get prize/candy from the pinata  (:30)\r\n



 Wednesday =Students write a kind act they will do today & put it in a class jar once it’s completed use it to review together later as a class


Video:  Life Vest: kindness boomerang   (5:44)\r\n



 Thursday  =  Class discussion of how to include others and make a difference


Video: scroll down and select - Be the One  [several examples of students including  others that were alone (5:06)   \r\n

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Friday = Mix it Up Day : wear name tags and sign kindness pledge banner in the cafeteria


Video: Several students silently sharing with a child who has no lunch (1:00)\r\n
